Membres,amis et représentants


I.UM.A. members & country representatives

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wpde6f1b84.gif India                                       Represent South India : Richard Diagaradjane Sada, Renshi

wpc0706632_0f.jpg Nepal                                      Represent : Mr. Pratap Ghising



wpa4ab01d9.gif Austria                                   Represent : Luc struyf, shihan

wp355028ab.gif Belgium                                  Director : Johnny Vansimpsen Soke

wpfc3eaa5a.gif Bosnia- Herzegovina           Represent : Amir Topoljak

wp746db862.gif Czech Republic                     Director : Jirina Kubikova, Sensei

wp7e948d3a.gif Denmark/Japan                    1st Soke : Keido Yamaue

wp5c688fe6.gif England                                  Represent : Ken Culshaw Shihan


wp7998f6a8.gif France                                 National co-ordinator France : Paul-M Schmidt Shihan Hanshi

                                                                 North-France Director : Journaux Pierre charles, Sensei

                                                                 North-France Honorary-Director : Fernand Westerlinck, Kyoshi

                                                                 South-France Director : Paul-M Schmidt Hanshi

wpa9e5bc22.gif Germany                       &

wpbf1d6027_0f.jpg The Netherlands                   Represent Kempo: Gerard Meulemans, Sifu


wp540dbca9_0f.jpg Russia                                   Represent: Mitrochin Oleg, Sensei

wp6c7eb736.gif Switzerland                            Director : Franco bodenmann, Sensei




wp0e7e2995.gif Canada                                  Represent : Doug Devlin

wp801af19a.gif USA                                       Represent : Soke Dr. Emeric Arus wp1ca72536_0f.jpg

                                                                Represent : Jeff Driscoll, Renshi     wp1ca72536_0f.jpg   



wp8fc9346b.gif Brasil                                     Represent : Marcelo Dias Greghi Barreira


Co-operation with :

wp983fe4fa.gif USA                                      World Head of Family Sokeship council

wp771a770c_0f.jpg Belgium                               Ban Sen Juku : Tomita Seiji, Shihan  (AÏKIDO & IAIDO)

wpef5dd98e.gif France                                 Nihon Tai Jitsu  , style off Karate Jutsu : contact Paul-M Schmidt