
Honbu Dojo


1er texte en Français :


L'Université Internationale des Arts Martiaux (IUMA) est fondée le 20 Décembre 1990 par

Soke Keido Yamaue 10 Dan, prêtre Bouddhiste et Représentant de la Culture de Daishoji Temple Impérial et de la Saga du Palais Impérial,toujours en rapport avec la famille Impériale Japonaise

Il est né au Japon en 1946 et a obtenu son diplôme à l'Université de Ritsumeikan à Kyoto, au Japon.

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Il est délicat de dire quand il a commencé l'Aiki Jutsu, parce qu'il est né dans une famille Budo.

Son père lui a enseigné le Judo et les techniques chiropractiques, un de ses oncles lui a enseigné le Goju Ryu Karaté à un haut niveau,et l'un de ses grand-père lui a appris l'Aiki Jutsu et l'Aiki Do,ce grand-père n'est autre que Takuma Hisa (1895-1979) qui fut le premier Menkyo Kaïden de Daïtô ryu,il est devenu un grand maître du Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu et le fondateur de "Takuma-kai" au Japon. Aiki Jutsu était une partie de son éducation Budo dans son enfance. Actuellement,Yamaue Ryu Aiki Jutsu est liée intimement à Takeda Aiki bujutsu = Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu.

Il a également pratiqué à très haut niveau le Shorinji Kempo (style japonais de Shaolin Kung Fu)                                     et de nombreux styles de Kung Fu chinois.

Il est bien connu dans le monde entier comme l'un des fondateurs du Nord Shaolin Kung Fu dont il est 10è Dan        un nouveau système basé sur la tradition Shaolin et du Yamaue Ryu Aïkijutsu .

Soke Yamaue reçoit plusieurs prix Budo au salon International de bourses de la renommée et de reconnaissances de partout dans le monde chaque année.


Soke Yamaue Keido est le 1er Soke,Fondateur et President d'honneur de la I.U.M.A.


2nd In English now:



The International University of Martial Arts ( I.U.M.A. ) is founded the 20th December 1990 by Soke Keido Yamaue 10 Dan, a Buddhist priest and culture representative of Daishoji Imperial Temple and Saga Imperial Palace. He is born in Japan in 1946 and graduated in Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan.

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                                                                                                         Soke Keido Yamaue                  Soke Yamaue and Great Abbot-Dai Sojo


It is difficult to say when he started Aiki Jutsu, because he was born in Budo Family. His father taught him Judo and chiropractic techniques, one of his uncles taught him Go Ju Ryu Karate and one of his grandfather s taught him Aiki Jutsu and Aiki Do. Grandfather -Takuma Hisa (1895-1979) - was a great master of Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu and the founder of  "Takuma-kai" in Japan. Aiki Jutsu was a part of his Budo education in his childhood. Yamaue Aiki Jutsu is related to Takeda Aiki Bujutsu = Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu. He also practised Shorinji Kempo (Japanese style of Shaolin Kung Fu ) and many kinds of Chinese Kung Fu. He is well known in the world as a founder 10.DAN of Nord Shaolin Kung Fu (a new system based on northern Shaolin tradition) and Yamaue Ryu Aiki Jutsu. Soke Yamaue receives several Budo awards, International Hall of Fame awards and recognitions from all over the world every year.



Soke Yamaue is the 1st Soke and honorary President of I.U.M.A.


In 1993 Soke Vansimpsen Johnny 10 Dan, established a I.U.M.A. headquarter in Belgium, together with Van Loo Herman, Shihan and De Muynck Stefaan, Shihan. This with the purpose to bring good teachers from everywhere together in I.U.M.A. and to have a good contact between the members. All the information about seminars and other activities are collected at the headquarters and send all over the world to our members. I.U.M.A. is open to all styles and to all countries.

Soke Vansimpsen Johnny is the present President of I.U.M.A. and 2nd Soke of  I.U.M.A. , assisted by his Vice-President Van Loo Herman, Shihan.


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Vansimpsen Johnny, Soke          Van Loo Herman, Shihan

wp165ab4f1_0f.jpg The meaning of our MON

The "MON" (symbol) of I.U.M.A is a lotus flower (Hasu) with two leaves. It grows out from the mud and fights his way up to through the water to the water surface. Once above the water surface, the flower stay strong by pushing his leaves to the water surface. After a while it shows his beauty with a beautiful flower.

The lotus flower is one of the most ancient and deepest symbols of our planet. In Buddhism, it is one of the eight symbols of good fortune.The lotus flower is a symbol of purity of the soul within the material world, which rises upward toward the light through muddy water.